Friday, August 12, 2016

Indunil Madhusankha, from Volume 4:2

Indunil Madhusankha (B. H. I. Madhusankha) is currently an undergraduate in the Faculty of Science at the University of Colombo. Even though he is academically involved with the subjects of Mathematics and Statistics, he also pursues a successful career in the field of English language and literature as a budding young researcher, reviewer, poet, and content writer. He explores the miscellaneous complications of human existence through his poetry by focusing on the burning issues in contemporary society. Moreover, Indunil’s works have been featured in several international anthologies, magazines, and journals.

Madhusankha's poem "The Lamentation of a Mother" appears on pages 41 and 42 of the latest volume. Below is an excerpt:

We had dreamt of a grand wedding ceremony for you
of sublime calibre
with the accompaniment of music
Yet I heard the smoothing rhythm
of neither the violin nor the piano
only the deafening cacophony of brownish iron horses
that they called a respectable gun salute,
and the lachrymose craws of the participants

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Read Madhusankha's poem in its entirety today in Synesthesia Literary Journal Volume 4:2!

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