Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tom Darin Liskey, from Volume 4:1

Tom Darin Liskey spent nearly a decade working as a journalist in Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil. He is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in the Crime Factory, Driftwood Press, Mount Island, The Burnside Writers Collective, Sassafras Literary Magazine, and Biostories, among others. His photographs have been published in Hobo Camp Review, Roadside Fiction, Blue Hour Magazine, Synesthesia Literary Journal, and Midwestern Gothic. He lives in Texas where he tells his children that he has done worse things for less money.

Liskey had two photos appear in Volume 4:1, on pages 6 and 20.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Gina Williams, from Volume 4:1

Gina Williams lives and creates in the Pacific Northwest.  Her work has been featured most recently by Okey-Panky, Carve, The Sun, Fugue, Whidbey Art Gallery & Whidbey Life Magazine, Palooka, Great Weather for Media, Black Box Gallery, and theNewerYork among others.  Learn more about her and her work at

Williams provided both the front and back cover art for Volume 4:1, as well as a few other pieces that appear throughout the volume.

Below is her piece "Middle America":